讲座题目:AnomalyDetection in smart manufacturing systems
个人简介:赵姗姗,现任英国University of the West of England助理教授,IEEE Member。主要从事智能制造技术、数字孪生、Industry 4.0等领域研究。研究工作获英国创新署(Innovate UK)等资助。在SCI刊物上发表国际论文50余篇。现任或曾任IEEE HCCS 2024, PASS4IoT 2024等国际会议主席(ProgrammeChair)。
讲座简介:The increasing complexity and interconnectedness of smart manufacturing systems have led to a growing need for robust anomaly detection techniques. This talk will explore the challenges and opportunities in identifying abnormal patterns within the vast amounts of data generated by these systems. We will delve into various anomaly detection methods, including statistical, machine learning, and deep learning approaches, and discuss their applicability to different types of manufacturing data. Additionally, the talk will highlight the importance of real-time anomaly detection in preventing costly equipment failures, optimizing production processes, and ensuring product quality. By understanding the principles and practical applications of anomaly detection, manufacturers can enhance their system reliability, improve overall efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.